newborn baby photo white style in white wrap baby’e eyes are closed and the baby has hair

Frequently asked questions about newborn and baby photography

When is the best time to take newborn photos?

Ideally the best time for a newborn photoshoot is in the first 2 weeks. If you’d like those really, really, curled up, utterly fresh and new baby photos then ideally it should be done within the first 2-14 days of your baby being born. AND the sooner the better. The youngest baby was brought to my studio at just less than 48 hours old.  BUT please don’t worry yourself if that’s not going to be possible.  I think of newborns, as any baby up to about 6 weeks. I get very booked up and so it’s best to book your newborn session well in advance of your due date.

When should I book newborn photos?

You should book your new born photo session in your 2nd trimester. After your 20-week scan is a good time to book.

What should I wear to a newborn photoshoot?

Your baby should be dressed in a plain white bodysuit. It’s a good idea to bring a spare one along.  It’s better to be a little big than too small. 

Parents should wear something that’s really comfortable and that doesn’t crease too easily. White and grey colours work best. A white t-shirt, white long sleeved top or a white dress is perfect. To save you rushing around, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear, Mabel & Møøse has an every growing studio wardrobe. Mum, baby and little siblings are welcome to borrow something from it. Dad’s just need to bring a white t-shirt and light coloured trousers or shorts.

The studio is very warm so as your baby settles and if comfortable. Really light weight clothes are a must. You will definitely not be cold.

newborn baby crying in a photoshoot

Can I breast feed my baby during a newborn baby photoshoot?

Absolutely! If a baby is hungry or just needing to suck then you can feed them for as long as you want to.  99% of babies need feeding during their session.  Often more than once. 

What if my baby cries during the photo session?

Please don’t worry if your baby cries or won’t settle during their photoshoot.   Your baby’s needs come first.  If they are unsettled I stop and see if you are able to comfort them with a feed or a cuddle.  Mabel & Møøse sessions are designed so you never need to feel rushed or under any pressure.  

What happens if my baby does a massive poop in the middle of a photoshoot?

I can imagine parents really worrying about this.  But please don’t. I can’t even remember the last time I removed a baby’s nappy for a photograph. If a nappy was to leak, with a massive poop explosion, then we simply clean it up.   I have lots of spare white wraps and blankets and they all get washed after every session. I’ve had 4 kids and its not a problem. Babies do what they have to do!

How long until we see the photos from our baby’s photo session?

Photographs will be ready for you to see at your Reveal Session.  This takes place at Mabel & Møøse studio about 2 or 3 weeks after your baby’s photoshoot.

minimal style baby photo. Smiling sitting small baby. different pose being held by parents hands