Beautiful Baby Lips

a detail newborn photo of baby lips

I’m a bit obsessed with newborn details. Especially soft, silky baby lips. Cute little phantom sucks when they sleep.  Adorable tiny pouts.   I could stare at them forever.   But babies look at our lips too.  Even when they are too new to focus they look at lips more then any other part of a face.  At 2 months old babies can recognise their Mum and Dad’s by their lips.  That’s when they start to smile back.    It’s thought that lips are one of the first things newborns tune into.  A unique brain pattern forms when you touch a babies lips and brain activity is stronger than when you touch any other part of them.  BUT enough of the science. Babies lips are just adorable things.  Puckered, or pouting, they melt my heart. 


1st Birthday Photoshoot


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