5 Benefits of Outside Sleeping for babies

happy baby wrapped up in white wra

Why outside sleeping can give your baby a much better sleep even in winter.

1. Babies who nap outside have fewer colds and are healthier  

 Experts say that outside sleeping gives you baby a much deeper sleep AND they are prone to less coughs and colds. 

We all tend to keep our homes to warm. The central heating is turned up and windows are often closed. It’s the perfect breeding ground for germs.

Letting you baby sleep outside for all their daytime naps means they are breathing in fresher healthier air. 

2 They get a deeper more beneficial sleep. 

Babies usually settle quicker and sleep longer when left to sleep outside. Fresh air gives babies a deep beneficial sleep. And all babies thrive on sleep. 

When a baby is sleeping outside parents are much less tuned into their every little sound. 

3  Outside napping is a sensory experience for your baby.

Nature plays a huge part in outside sleeping.  Your baby will be mesmerised by the swaying trees. It’s a real sensory experience for the.  Think about all the natural sounds they will hear.  Rustling leaves, the wind, twittering bird calls.  

If you are lucky enough to have a kitchen with a door to the outside put you baby to sleep on the back door step.  

4  It’s healthier for parents too

Parents of babies who nap outside tend to be much more outdoorsy.  Getting out into nature is good for the whole family. A long walk with your baby sleeping soundly in their pram is so good for any tired or stressed new parent. 

5  Babies who sleep outside can sleep anywhere. 

A baby who is used to sleeping outside in their pram can sleep anywhere. They become very portable and you won’t be ruled by their daytime nap routine.

baby in white style photo swaddled

Are you a new Mum who is worrying about taking your baby out in the cold? 

I read recently that a new idea is spreading from Scandinavia.  Scandinavian parents put their new babies outside to sleep in their prams no matter what the weather.

But Scandinavia you can’t claim this one!   I did it, my Mum did it and my Great-Granny did it! Putting babies outside to sleep is not a new thing. I for one was put out to sleep in my pram even on the coldest of winters days in Scotland. It was normal years ago.  I regularly put my 4 babies outside to sleep. Granted I was very lucky to live in a house with a small garden. That makes a difference.  

When I was born we lived on the top floor of a block of flats. Mum thought nothing about leaving me in the back court, 4 floors below! Please don’t do that now.  I shiver at the thought of all the myriad of things that could have happened to me.  And being squashed by an urban fox is not even top of the list.  I may have been in danger from a hosts of things but being cold wasn’t one of them.  So long as your baby is warm enough they will really benefit from a few daily hours of breathing fresh air.  

When my 1st daughter was born I put her outside to sleep in her pram. Every single day! It was just part of her baby routine. Of course I kept a very close watch on her. And I put the baby monitor in the pram for extra safely. 

She was born at the end of August so keeping her warm wasn’t an issue. But she spent the winter outside in snow, rain and sleet.  I’d never put her out if it was foggy.  Don’t ask me why but Granny wouldn’t have done THAT, so I followed her lead. 

family photo with newborn baby white style

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