Thanks for your entry to the Adorable Baby Photoshoot Competition 2023
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What’s the best age to take baby photos?
Different stages of babyhood give very different results at a baby photoshoot.
Your baby will change so much within the first 12 months. In an ideal world, every baby should be professionally photographed 4 times in their 1st year. But that’s not always practical or affordable.
Newborn Baby Photos
If you have your little one photographed in the first 14 days then they will be curly and still have that beautifully soft downy hair on their skin. I wish I had thought to have my 4 babies taken at this incredible newborn stage. Your baby will change so quickly and those first few weeks of parenthood can go past in a blur of feeding and trying to grab a few hours sleep. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to have some authentic photographs so as you will never forget how amazing your newborn baby was. I recommend that you book your session within the first 14 days of your due date. Booking your newborn photographer when you are in your 2nd trimester means you will be assured of getting the photographer you really want for your family.
New Baby Photos
Curly newborn baby photographs are truly wonderful, but sometimes it’s just not possible to have pictures taken in those very early days. Mum or baby might be unwell, an older sibling can be having a difficult time adjusting to a new little bundle of joy in their house, or you may be feeling overwhelmed and the last thing on your mind is visiting a photography studio.
Waiting until your baby is just little older, could be the right decision for your family. New Baby photos are taken from around 14 days to 12 weeks. Your baby will still be very little and no one, except a newborn photographer, would describe them as anything other than, a New Baby. It’s still very much, in the 4th trimester. They sleep for long periods of time but when they are awake they are starting to take in all that’s around them. Your baby will have started to loose their “fresh out of the womb” look but their little personality will be emerging. Baby photos at this stage are so adorable and often babies eyes are wide open.
Older Baby Photos
Older babies are aged from 3 months until they are just sitting up unaided. This is often around 7 months but your baby may well do this earlier of later. Babies in the older baby stage can look very different. You baby might still be happy to lie on their back and play with their toes but they could also sit up, just long enough for a photograph. They can happily play with toys and then be cuddled to sleep in a soft blanket so you get two very different photos in the same session.
Crawling and Sitting Baby Photos
This stage is full of energy. Once your baby is crawling their photographs will take on a whole new look. The photoshoot is one big game for them and it’s a real chance for you both to have fun with your baby. They will happily sit and play with some toys but they are so inquisitive and it won’t be long before they are off exploring the studio. This calls for “action shots” and lots of happy expressions.
First Birthday Photo Sessions
There is no better way to celebrate your baby’s 1st birthday. A First Birthday Photoshoot is a wonderful experience for both you as parents, and for your baby. It’s completely mess free and sugar free. Read my thoughts on cake smash photoshoots
12 to 18 months
The difference in a little person in this time period is huge. At 12 months they are usually still babies. They have often taken a few steps and are starting to speak but by 18 months they turned into little people. It’s quite incredible to photograph an 18 month old who I photographed just a few days after they were born. It actually makes me quite emotional.
My sessions are all totally baby-led which simply means that your baby just does his or her own thing, what ever stage they are at.
Maybe you don’t want to wait to see if you have won and would just like to go ahead and book your baby’s photoshoot. If you book a shoot and then you end up winning a session you can still use your voucher towards the session fee, or keep it until your baby is older and have a 2nd session. (You can never have too many photographs of your baby)
Not quite ready to book your newborn portraits but would you like some more information.