Newborn Baby Photographer Dundee Mabel & Moose

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Baby Leaps

WOW I have no idea how I managed to get my 4 kids through their baby years. 
If I had only known that they have leaps. Life would have been easier. 
Do you ever think you’ve cracked motherhood? And suddenly Wham! Cranky and clingy doesn’t even come close to describing your little mite. Your baby has had an overnight personality transplant. 
Don’t worry. It’s not you, it’s them. They will just be going through a LEAP.

I’m fascinated by this info. Babies all go through difficult changes at about the same age. They are growing physically and mentally and it’s a wee bit hard for them to cope with. These changes are called leaps. If you know when they are coming you can cope better with them. So that’s the GOOD news. AND there’s 10 of them. (Is that the BAD news?) Not really, its all part of your baby’s development. 
Is your baby is going through a leap right now? I’m sending you a virtually hug (((Mama))) This stage will end soon and your happy, gurgling babe will be right back.